shredded konjac recipes

  • Boiled fat beef

    Boiled fat beef

    Sam's Australian Fatty Beef, appropriate amount of loofah, 1 stick of konjac shreds, a pack of beef balls, appropriate amount of garlic, 5 cloves of garlic, 1 chili powder, 2 tablespoons of Sichuan pepper powder, 2 tablespoons of bean paste, 3 tablespoon

  • Arctic Shrimp Seafood Salad

    Arctic Shrimp Seafood Salad

    Canadian Arctic shrimp 300g cuttlefish 200g squid flowers 150g onion 1/2 lemon 1 coriander 2 garlic 1 head millet spicy 3 konjac shreds 150g Arctic shrimp seafood cold salad Recipe Step 1 Prepare the ingredients Step 2 Add water to the pot and bring to a

  • Slimming dinner

    Slimming dinner

    100g of shredded jellyfish, 50g of shredded konjac, 150g of garlic, 4 cloves of dried chili peppers, 2 fresh bell peppers, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 3 tablespoons of cooked sesame seeds, 1 tablespoon of salt, an appropriate amount of weight loss dinner. S
