Spicy millet recipes

  • Garlic Chili Sauce

    Garlic Chili Sauce

    2 pounds of spicy millet, 400g of garlic, 40g of ginger, 5 grams of salt, 5 grams of oil, 200ml of sugar, 30g of garlic chili sauce. Step 1: Wash the spicy millet and remove the stems. Step 2 Wash the garlic and cut off the roots. Step 3: Peel and cut the

  • Sour Curry Hotpot

    Sour Curry Hotpot

    Thai yellow curry 1 piece lemongrass 5 stalks millet spicy 5 Thai shrimp paste 1 spoon Thai fish sauce 1 spoon luncheon meat 2 cabbage slices 5 slices potato 1 pumpkin 50g Thai instant noodles 1 pack longan 20g jackfruit 50g lychee 50g coconut 1 tablespoo

  • Lemongrass Canadian Arctic Shrimp Raw Shrimp

    Lemongrass Canadian Arctic Shrimp Raw Shrimp

    250 grams of Canadian Arctic shrimp, 6 spicy millets, 50 grams of lemongrass, 4 mint leaves, 100 grams of cooking wine, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of cooking oil, appropriate amount of salt, 5 grams of lemongrass, Can

  • Appetizer Lemongrass Canadian Arctic Shrimp Raw Shrimp

    Appetizer Lemongrass Canadian Arctic Shrimp Raw Shrimp

    Canadian Arctic shrimp 250g millet, spicy 6 minced garlic, 50g lemongrass, 4 mint leaves, 100g cooking wine, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 tablespoons cooking oil, appropriate amount of salt, 5g lemongrass for snacks, Canadian Arctic shri
