Oatmeal noodles recipes

  • Cold oatmeal noodles

    Cold oatmeal noodles

    500g white flour 100g coriander 1 green onion 1 cucumber 1 light soy sauce 1 spoon vinegar 1 spoon salt MSG 3 grams cold noodles Recipe Step 1 Add 1/3 white flour to buckwheat noodles Step 2 Boil water Knead the dough evenly. Step 3. Knead the dough evenl

  • Oatmeal noodles

    Oatmeal noodles

    200g of oatmeal noodles, 200g of salt, 1 spoon of chili powder, appropriate amount of vinegar, appropriate amount of sesame seeds, appropriate amount of minced garlic, appropriate amount of oatmeal noodles. Step 1: Take out 200g oatmeal noodles. Step 290

  • Fried wild rice noodles

    Fried wild rice noodles

    200 grams of oatmeal noodles, cooked beef in soy sauce, 100 grams of colored pepper, half a green leafy vegetable, 300 grams of garlic, half a red scallion, 1 ginger slice, 3 or 4 slices, white pepper powder, 2 grams of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of pe

  • # Help the College Entrance Examination Nutritious Meal#Cold Oatmeal Noodles

    # Help the College Entrance Examination Nutritious Meal#Cold Oatmeal Noodles

    20 grams of shredded carrots and noodles, 10 grams of shredded green peppers, appropriate amount of salt, 3 grams of green onion oil, 5 chili oil, 1 spoonful of Luhua flavor, 6 meters of vinegar, 6 grams # Help College Entrance Examination Nutritious Meal

  • Oatmeal fish (with curry beef and potato stew)

    Oatmeal fish (with curry beef and potato stew)

    200g boiling water for oatmeal noodles 230ml curry beef and potato stew: 312g beef 45g carrots 80g potatoes Pour the water in little by little. Step 2 side

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    How to make 200 grams of oatmeal noodles with appropriate amount of beef sauce. Step 1: Blanch the oatmeal flour in boiling water and stir while boiling. No dry powder is required. Step 2: When your hands are not hot, knead it into a dough. Let it sit for
