Noodle dishes recipes

  • Shandong steamed noodle dish

    Shandong steamed noodle dish

    Appropriate amount of noodles, appropriate amount of ordinary flour, appropriate amount of garlic, appropriate amount of soy sauce, appropriate amount of sesame oil, one spoonful of sesame sauce, one spoonful of Shandong steamed noodle dishes. Step 1: Rem

  • Steamed Noodle Dishes

    Steamed Noodle Dishes

    400 grams of flour, 3 tablespoons of steamed noodle dishes. Step 1: Wash the slender vegetables and add a little water. Step 2: Put into a large plastic bag. Step 3: Add three spoons of flour, pinch the mouth of the bag tightly, shake, shake, shake, shake

  • Cold noodle dish

    Cold noodle dish

    250g of noodle dishes, half a head of garlic, a spoonful of sesame oil, selected juice, appropriate amount of oil, appropriate amount of sesame oil, appropriate amount of cold noodle dishes. Step 1: Prepare all the ingredients. Put the noodle dishes in a
