minced beef recipes

  • Steamed minced beef with white radish

    Steamed minced beef with white radish

    60 grams of white radish, minced beef, 50 grams of starch, appropriate amount of soy sauce, appropriate amount of cooking oil, appropriate amount of fresh matsutake, appropriate amount of chopped green onion, appropriate amount of white radish, steamed mi

  • Steamed Beef Braised Noodles with Tomato Sauce

    Steamed Beef Braised Noodles with Tomato Sauce

    7 tomatoes (small) thin noodles 400g minced beef 180g ginger 1 piece salt appropriate amount of sugar 1 spoon white pepper 2 grams thirteen spices 2 grams cooking wine 1 spoon starch 0.5 spoon light soy sauce 2 spoon dark soy sauce 0.5 spoon steamed tomat

  • Mashed Potato and Vegetable Pizza

    Mashed Potato and Vegetable Pizza

    350g mashed potatoes, 50g minced beef, 60g grated cheese, 30g red pepper, 30g yellow pepper, 30g mushrooms, 2 tomatoes, appropriate amount of soy sauce, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of fresh matsutake, appropriate amount of mashed potato

  • Korean bibimbap

    Korean bibimbap

    Rice for 1 person 40g minced beef 2 fresh shiitake mushrooms (20g) 30g king oyster mushroom 50g spinach 2 fungus fungus (soaked) 20g spicy cabbage 50g 1 egg oil 10g cooking wine 5g light soy sauce 10g Korean chili sauce 20g lemon juice 1 /How to make Kore
