iron stick yam recipes

  • Tonggu corn yam pot

    Tonggu corn yam pot

    Tonggu, an iron rod, 2 yams, 2 sweet corns, 1 salt, an appropriate amount of cooking wine, 1 spoon of old ginger, a few slices of Tonggu, corn and yam stew. Steps 1. Wash the bought Tonggu. Step 2: Boil the water in a pot, put it in a casserole, and add w

  • Black-bone chicken stewed with yam

    Black-bone chicken stewed with yam

    Silky chicken, an iron rod, one or two yam, 30 pieces of ginger, a piece of green onion, a short section of black-bone chicken and yam. Step 1 Ingredients required: One black-bone chicken. Take one or two yam sticks, peel them with plastic gloves, wash th

  • Yam and Wolfberry Chicken Soup

    Yam and Wolfberry Chicken Soup

    Half a grass chicken, 150g of yam, 8g of wolfberry, 6g of cooking wine, 2g of salt, appropriate amount of hot boiling water, appropriate amount of yam, wolfberry, and chicken soup. Step 1: Chop the chicken into small pieces, clean it, and soak it in water
