Ground beef recipes

  • Egg and beef two-color rice bowl

    Egg and beef two-color rice bowl

    150g ground beef 3 eggs 200g brown rice 2 tablespoons sugar half a teaspoon ginger juice half a teaspoon cornstarch 1 teaspoon honey/sugar a little salt a little egg Beef two-color rice bowl Recipe Step 1 Pour the ground beef into a mixing bowl In, add li

  • Double pepper minced beef

    Double pepper minced beef

    50g minced beef, cabbage, 100g carrots, a little green and red pepper, a little garlic, a little cooking oil, 25g stir-fry sauce, 25g minced beef with double peppers. Step 1. Pour 25g cooking oil into the pot, heat it up and pour in 50g minced beef. Step

  • Beef Baked Rice

    Beef Baked Rice

    80g ground beef, chopped mozzarella cheese, appropriate amount of chopped onion, 1/3 green peas, 30g diced carrots, 30g cooking wine, 1 spoon of salt, 1/2 spoon of tomato paste, 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley, appropriate amount of chopped black pepper,

  • Rotten beef

    Rotten beef

    A small bowl of minced beef, a small handful of Sichuan pickles, a small handful of celery, a few stalks of onion, ginger, garlic, an appropriate amount of bean paste, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of pepper powder, half a spoon of sugar, half a spo
