yellow radish recipes

  • Ham sushi

    Ham sushi

    1 small bowl of rice, half a carrot, 1 egg, 1 yellow radish, 2 ham sausages, 1 piece of seaweed, 1 piece of salt, 1 gram of sugar, 1 gram of vinegar, 1 tsp of sesame oil, 2 drops of ham sushi. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients. Step 2: Beat eggs; cut ham in

  • reverse sushi

    reverse sushi

    Seaweed, egg, fungus, fish ball, yellow radish, meat floss, plastic wrap. How to make reverse sushi. Step 1: Spread plastic wrap on the bamboo screen. Step 2: Place rice on the plastic wrap. Step 3: Spread seaweed on the rice. Step 4: Put the fillings. I

  • Nuannuan free-range chicken hot pot

    Nuannuan free-range chicken hot pot

    300g of free-range chicken, 250g of Chaoshan meatballs, 250g of shiitake mushrooms, five or six pods of tofu, half a piece of drumstick mushroom, one Chinese cabbage, one small green vegetable, one yellow radish, one carrot, one crystal powder, a handful
