Chicken neck recipes

  • Grilled chicken neck as an appetizer

    Grilled chicken neck as an appetizer

    300g chicken neck, light soy sauce, 20ml oyster sauce, 15ml pepper, salt, natural green onion, ginger, dried chili, bay leaf, star anise. How to make grilled chicken neck as a snack: 1. Prepare the chicken neck and remove the oil. Step 2: Make water in a

  • Spicy fried chicken neck

    Spicy fried chicken neck

    5 chicken necks (large) Ingredients ①: green onions - ginger - 1 section of cooking wine - 2 slices - 2 spoons Ingredients ②: green onions - ginger - garlic - dried chili peppers - peppercorns - peppercorns - cumin picture 1 ingredients ③: dark soy sauce

  • Black pepper chicken neck

    Black pepper chicken neck

    Chicken neck with black pepper powder, white sugar, MSG, cumin, soy sauce and black pepper chicken neck. Step 1: First, add appropriate amount of soy sauce, black pepper powder, MSG and white sugar to the chicken neck. In fact, I should have used honey, b
