chicken sausage recipes

  • Mom’s Hodgepodge Fried Rice

    Mom’s Hodgepodge Fried Rice

    300 grams of rice, onions, half a carrot, half an egg, 2 fresh edamame beans, 100 grams of chicken sausage, 2 sticks, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of oil, appropriate amount of oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 2 tablespoons chicken

  • Braised bean curd skin

    Braised bean curd skin

    Appropriate amount of tofu skin, 8 quail eggs, 8 chicken sausages, 1 coriander, 1 green onion, 1 light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon oil, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 3 tablespoons sesame oil, 3 tablespoons chicken essence, 1 tablespoon salt, appropriate amount of wat

  • Homemade golden egg fried rice

    Homemade golden egg fried rice

    2 eggs, rice, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of rapeseed oil, appropriate amount of chicken sausage, 3 cooking wine, appropriate amount of MSG, home-style golden egg fried rice. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients, slice chicken sausage and se
