cilantro recipes

  • Teriyaki Eggplant

    Teriyaki Eggplant

    1 long purple eggplant, teriyaki juice, 1 tablespoon carrot, half a green pepper, 1 starch, 1 tablespoon cornstarch each, 1 coriander, 1 teriyaki eggplant recipe, step 1, wash the long eggplant, cut into thicker slices, step 2, put corn starch in a bowl,

  • green salad

    green salad

    2 tomatoes, half avocado, half cilantro, one purple onion, half chili pepper, half garlic, 1 clove yellow lemon, half sea salt and cracked black pepper. How to make a moderate amount of vegetable salad. Step 1: Don’t peel the tomatoes, scoop out the inner

  • Beef Ball Noodle Soup

    Beef Ball Noodle Soup

    6 beef balls for ramen, 1 serving for 1 person, 1 egg, 3 corianders, 3 beef ball noodle soup recipes. Step 1: Boil the soup. Add the meatballs. Cook the meatballs for three minutes and then add the ramen. Step 2: While the noodles are cooking, wash the co

  • Fried rice with diced chicken and egg

    Fried rice with diced chicken and egg

    500 grams of rice, 2 eggs, 2 carrots, 60 grams of corn kernels, 100 grams of chicken breast, 100 grams of coriander, 15 grams of diced chicken and eggs. How to make fried rice. Step 1: Marinate the chicken breast to add flavor. Step 2: Fry the eggs and pu

  • Shredded chicken breast

    Shredded chicken breast

    1. First, we prepare all the ingredients. 2. Cut off the fat from the chicken breast, tear off the fascia, and wash it.
