chopped chili recipes

  • Lemon Spicy Boneless Chicken Feet

    Lemon Spicy Boneless Chicken Feet

    300 grams of boneless chicken feet, soy sauce, 30 grams of salt, 10 grams of lemon, half a coriander stem, 3 chopped chili peppers, 30 grams of low-alcohol rice vinegar, 30 grams of lemon, spicy and sour boneless chicken feet. Step 1: Cut off the nails of

  • Stir-fried pork heart and melon

    Stir-fried pork heart and melon

    One pig heart, half a melon, chopped chili, a tablespoon of shredded ginger, a little cooking oil, cooking wine, salt, light soy sauce, an appropriate amount of pig heart and stir-fried horned melon. Step 1: Buy the pig heart, cut it in half, and be sure

  • Salt and pepper razor clams

    Salt and pepper razor clams

    1. Prepare the ingredients. 2. Rinse the razor clams repeatedly to remove the fine sand.

  • Fried clams

    Fried clams

    1. Put the clams into clean water, add a little salt and let it sit for half a day, and let the clams spit out the sand. 2. Boil a pot of water, pour the clams in and cook until they just open, then pick them up and put them in cold water.

  • Spicy fried clams

    Spicy fried clams

    1. After buying the clams, soak them in water and add two spoons of salt. In order to spit out the sand better, soak them for 2-3 hours. Change the water halfway. 2. Then rinse them with water. I washed them N times.
