bean curds recipes

  • tomato pot

    tomato pot

    1 tomato, 1 onion, half corn noodles, 1 small handful of bean curds, 6 small pieces of carrots, a small yam, a small head of lettuce, an appropriate amount of corn kernels, a small handful of garlic, 2 pieces of tomato paste, a tablespoon of light soy sau

  • Chicken and tofu

    Chicken and tofu

    3 slices of ginger, 2 pieces of tofu pudding, 300g of sausage, 1 piece of garlic, 3 pcs of tofu pudding, seasoning, 1 portion of peanut oil, 20g of light soy sauce, 5g of chicken scratched tofu. Step 1: Mash the tofu pudding and drain. Backup step 2: Cut

  • Spicy Korean Army Hot Pot

    Spicy Korean Army Hot Pot

    1 onion, 250g of cabbage, 1 piece of tofu, 1 piece of luncheon meat, 1 can of rice cake, 15 enoki mushrooms, 1 handful of eggs, 1 instant noodles, 1 piece of Korean kimchi, appropriate amount of cheese, appropriate amount of green onions, 3 tablespoons of

  • Cangzhou Spicy Hot Pot Chicken

    Cangzhou Spicy Hot Pot Chicken

    1500 grams of chicken thighs and wings, a bag of Pixian bean paste, an appropriate amount of peppercorns, an appropriate amount of white sugar, an appropriate amount of salt, an appropriate amount of ginger slices, five or six slices of dried chili, a few
