Matsutake recipes

  • matsutake okra

    matsutake okra

    6 matsutake mushrooms, okra, 150 grams of fungus, appropriate amount of garlic, 2 cloves of oil, 2 tablespoons of salt, 3 grams of Totle salt-reduced oyster sauce, 5ml of Totle Fresh Vegetables, 2 grams of matsutake okra. Step 1: Prepare the soaked fungus

  • Matsutake chicken soup

    Matsutake chicken soup

    Several hens with matsutake mushrooms, 500g of ginger, 1 piece of ginger, a little salt, appropriate amount of water. How to make chicken soup with matsutake mushrooms. Step 1: Pluck the hen's hair, take out the internal organs, and clean them. Step 2: C

  • Matsutake, Mushroom, Wolfberry Pork Ribs Soup

    Matsutake, Mushroom, Wolfberry Pork Ribs Soup

    1. Prepare the ingredients 2. Soak matsutake and flower mushrooms (use warm water to shorten the soaking time)
