Japonica rice recipes

  • Meiling porridge

    Meiling porridge

    60 grams of glutinous rice, 40 grams of japonica rice, half a root of hardcore yam, 1000 grams of soy milk, 1 lily, a wolfberry, some rock sugar, some rock sugar. How to make Meiling porridge. Step 1: Prepare glutinous rice and japonica rice, soak half of

  • Grain paste

    Grain paste

    Mung beans, a little red beans, a little black rice, a little oatmeal, a little lotus seeds, a little red dates, 8 white fungus, a little peanut, a little buckwheat, a little japonica rice, a little rock sugar, an appropriate amount of barley, a little wa

  • Fermented millet porridge

    Fermented millet porridge

    Appropriate amount of millet, appropriate amount of japonica rice, appropriate amount of red dates, several wolfberries, several osmanthus, fermented rice, appropriate amount of rock sugar, appropriate amount of water, appropriate amount of fermented rice

  • Mei Ling Porridge

    Mei Ling Porridge

    1. Prepare the necessary ingredients. 2. Wash the soybeans, add water and soak in the refrigerator overnight.
