Melon recipes

  • Melon Cheese Smoothie

    Melon Cheese Smoothie

    250g melon, cream cheese, 120g light cream, 100ML caster sugar, 40g gelatine powder, 3g melon (for surface decoration), 150g serving, 3-5 people, melon cheese milkshake recipe, step 1, place the cream cheese at room temperature in advance to soften, step

  • Scrambled eggs with horned melon

    Scrambled eggs with horned melon

    1 egg melon, 3 cooking wine, 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 spoon sugar, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon oyster sauce, 1 spoon chicken essence, 1 teaspoon melon, scrambled eggs. Steps 1. Wash the melon and cut into pieces of suitable size. Step 2 Add cooking wine, half

  • Summer salad specialties

    Summer salad specialties

    350g melons, 100g tomatoes, 50g grapes. How to make summer special salad. Steps 1: Wash the melons and tomatoes and cut them into pieces. Place the grapes in the middle, the tomatoes around the grapes, and the melons on the outermost edge of the plate. Po

  • Stir-fried Spaghetti with Seasonal Vegetables

    Stir-fried Spaghetti with Seasonal Vegetables

    1. Let’s take a family photo of the ingredients first. 2. First, peel the hanging melon, cut it in half, scoop out the seeds and slice it. Peel and slice the carrot.
