morels recipes

  • Morel Mushroom and Yam Lean Meat Soup

    Morel Mushroom and Yam Lean Meat Soup

    4~6 morels, 1 yam, 1 piece of lean meat (pork bone), 3 figs, a small handful of lotus seeds, 4~5 slices of ginger, an appropriate amount of red dates, 1~ wolfberry, a small handful of morels, yam and lean meat soup, step 1 Prepare the ingredients, here I

  • S’mores Patty Soup

    S’mores Patty Soup

    3 morels, preserved egg, wonton meat filling, appropriate amount of cold water, appropriate amount of ginger, 1 slice of chopped green onion, appropriate amount of morels meatloaf soup. Step 1: Clean the morels, soak them in water for 5 minutes and set as

  • Morels stuffed with meat + egg liquid + shrimp

    Morels stuffed with meat + egg liquid + shrimp

    Pork stuffing, optional minced onion, salt, cooking wine, optional morels, light soy sauce, appropriate amount of shrimp, optional morels stuffed with meat + egg liquid + shrimps Step 11. First wash the morels, soak them, and After it's ready, cut it ope

  • Morel Chicken Soup

    Morel Chicken Soup

    Morels 8 native chickens 1/4 Polygonatum odorifera 15g white lotus seeds 50g fresh cordyceps flowers 30g red dates (pitted) 6 pieces of ginger 1 small piece of cooking wine 1 tablespoon morel chicken soup Recipe for step 1 Purchase organic sheep from Sam’

  • Morel Mushroom and Lean Pork Porridge. Everything is prosperous, but everything is perfect.

    Morel Mushroom and Lean Pork Porridge. Everything is prosperous, but everything is perfect.

    8 morels, pearl rice, 50 grams of celery, 2 sticks of lean meat, 125 grams of scallops, 8 morels, lean meat porridge, everything is prosperous, and everything is porridge is complete. Step 1 is as shown in the picture. Step 2 is as shown in the picture. 3

  • Steamed Tofu with Morels

    Steamed Tofu with Morels

    1. Prepare fresh ingredients. 2. Soak the fresh morels gently in water to remove the sand and debris on the surface of the morels.
