eyebrow beans recipes

  • Five Bean Brown Rice Sweet Porridge

    Five Bean Brown Rice Sweet Porridge

    20 grams of black beans, 20 grams of adzuki beans, 20 grams of soybeans, 20 grams of eyebrow beans, 20 grams of mung beans, 20 grams of water chestnuts, 1 piece of brown rice, 100 grams of tangerine peel, 1 small piece of rock sugar, appropriate amount of

  • Peanut Pork Trotter Soup

    Peanut Pork Trotter Soup

    1 pig's trotter, 4 strands of eyebrow beans, 45 grams of peanuts, 45 grams of red dates, 5 gingers, 3 slices of salt, appropriate amount of cooking wine, 1 spoon of peanuts and pig's trotters soup. Step 1: Prepare the materials and chop the pig's trott

  • Qushi Tang

    Qushi Tang

    Appropriate amount of backbone, 2 sections of dried Huaishan slices, appropriate amount of Hunan lotus seeds, appropriate amount of Smilax, appropriate amount of barley, appropriate amount of gorgon seeds, appropriate amount of red peanut rice, appropriat

  • Zucchini Nourishing Laohuo Soup

    Zucchini Nourishing Laohuo Soup

    1. Clean the melon. 2. The best way to peel melon is to use a spoon instead of a paring knife!
