tilapia recipes

  • steamed fish

    steamed fish

    One piece of tilapia (one and a half kilograms), 2 spring onions, 1 piece of ginger, 1 piece of mustard oil from Grandma Village, appropriate amount of cooking wine, 2 tablespoons of red pepper, half of garlic, 3-8 cloves of boiled juice, appropriate amou

  • Braised Tilapia

    Braised Tilapia

    Tilapia 1 spring onion 1 millet pepper 2 garlic 3 cloves oil appropriate amount of corn starch #sauce 2 tablespoons light soy sauce 1/2 tablespoon oyster sauce 1 tablespoon water 1/2 bowl braised tilapia recipe step 1 fish Clean it, cut off the tip of the

  • Oven Grilled Tilapia

    Oven Grilled Tilapia

    1 piece of tilapia, 1 bay leaf, 1 piece of peppercorns, appropriate amount of rosemary, appropriate amount of cumin powder, 1 tablespoon of chili powder, 2 tablespoons of garlic salt, 1 tablespoon of black pepper, appropriate amount of grams, you can spri

  • Spicy Tilapia

    Spicy Tilapia

    1 piece of tilapia, 1 red pepper, 1 garlic clove, 5 ginger, 1 piece of dried chili, appropriate amount of Sichuan peppercorns, appropriate amount of green onions, 1 small chopped green onion, appropriate amount of cooking wine, 2 tablespoons of hot pot in

  • Oven grilled fish

    Oven grilled fish

    Pickled fish: 1 tilapia (about 500g) 1/3 green onion ring 20g ginger slices 1 small handful star anise 2 salt 25g light soy sauce 15g water 800g Grilled fish: appropriate amount of cooking oil, appropriate amount of chili powder, appropriate amount of cum

  • Grilled Cabbage with Tilapia

    Grilled Cabbage with Tilapia

    Tilapia 2 pieces of cabbage 3 stalks Old Bay spices 2 teaspoons salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon charcoal grilled cabbage with tilapia Step 1 Sprinkle tilapia on both sides with salt, Old Bay spices and black pepper, put Marinate on the side. Ste
