lactone tofu recipes

  • Shrimp, Tomato and Tofu Soup

    Shrimp, Tomato and Tofu Soup

    6 shrimps, 1 small handful of enoki mushrooms, 1 small handful of seaweed, 1 small piece of lactone tofu, 1 piece of egg, 1 tomato, 1 coriander, appropriate amount of shrimp, tomato and tofu soup. Step 1: Cut tomatoes and tofu into small pieces and set as

  • Cold toon and pine nut tofu

    Cold toon and pine nut tofu

    50 grams of toon sprouts, a box of lactone tofu, 15 grams of sugar, 15 grams of salt, 1 gram of pine nuts, 15 grams of salt (optional), optional white sesame seeds, 15 grams of sesame oil (optional), how to make cold toon and pine nut tofu. Step 1: Prepar

  • Steamed Egg with Shrimp and Tofu

    Steamed Egg with Shrimp and Tofu

    8 fresh shrimps, 1 box of lactone tofu, 1 box of eggs, 2 spring onions, 1 steamed fish, soy sauce, 15 ml of Qiandaoyuan pure tea oil, 20 ml of salt, 1 gram of shrimp, tofu and steamed eggs. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients. Step 2 Cut the lactone tofu into

  • Shrimp, tofu and steamed egg

    Shrimp, tofu and steamed egg

    8 fresh shrimps, lactone tofu, a box of eggs, 2 spring onions, 1 steamed fish, 15 ml of soy sauce, 2 grams of salt, equal amounts of warm water and egg liquid, Qiandaoyuan camellia oil, 20 ml of cooking wine, 1 spoon of shrimp, tofu and steamed eggs. Step
