wonton wrappers recipes

  • flat food

    flat food

    200 grams of pork hind leg meat filling, 1000 ml of pork bone stock, 1000 ml of egg, 100 grams of minced celery, 1 spoon of minced shallots, 1 spoon of baby spinach, a handful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of sesame oil, a spoonful of salt, an appropriat

  • Summer Fusion Dinner

    Summer Fusion Dinner

    Summer assorted fruits and vegetables yogurt: 1/3 carrot 1/3 cucumber 1/3 Fengshui pear 1/3 old yogurt 200ml multi-grain 3 spoons Sea Breeze Okonomiyaki: 70g low-gluten flour 70g water 70g egg 1 salt 2g cabbage 100g vegetable oil appropriate amount of squ

  • Wontons mixed with scallion oil

    Wontons mixed with scallion oil

    1. Prepare the required ingredients: 500g bean sprouts, 200g minced meat, appropriate amount of wonton wrappers, 1 handful of chives, 1 garlic, half a teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of chicken powder, 1 tablespoon of fish sauce, 6 tablespoons of light soy

  • Hot and sour wontons

    Hot and sour wontons

    1. Prepare celery cores, chop them into pieces and set aside, mince ginger and garlic and put them into a basin. 2. Put the meat filling
