peach gum recipes

  • Snow Swallow Tremella Soup

    Snow Swallow Tremella Soup

    2 handfuls of soap locust rice, 2 handfuls of peach gum, 1 handful of white fungus, 1 red date, a few wolfberry, an appropriate amount of snow swallow, 1 handful of snow swallow, and tremella soup. Step 1: Weigh all the ingredients except purified water,

  • Peach Gum, Longan and Lotus Seed Soup

    Peach Gum, Longan and Lotus Seed Soup

    20 grams of longan, 20 grams of lotus seeds, 20 grams of rock sugar, 40 grams of water, an appropriate amount of candied dates, 1 peach gum, longan and lotus seed soup. Step 1: Put the peach gum into a bowl, add an appropriate amount of water to soak, it

  • Peach Gum, Longan and Tremella Soup

    Peach Gum, Longan and Tremella Soup

    1 piece of fresh white fungus, 25 grams of peach gum, 15 grams of lily, 12 pieces of yellow rock sugar, 80 grams of red dates, 8 longans, 20 grams of peach gum, longan and white fungus soup. Step 1: Soak the peach gum in water for more than 4 hours in adv

  • Nourishing and beautifying ugly ear sugar water

    Nourishing and beautifying ugly ear sugar water

    1. The weather is dry in autumn. Youxian Canteen WeChat Store recommends the nourishing and nourishing Chou Er set meal. 2. There are de

  • Peach Gum and Tremella Sweet Soup

    Peach Gum and Tremella Sweet Soup

    1. Half a white fungus is enough. Soak it for 2-3 hours, enough for 3-4 people. 2. Wash the lotus seeds, lilies and red dates and soak them for 2-3 hours.
