dumpling skins recipes

  • Cabbage and Mushroom Dumplings

    Cabbage and Mushroom Dumplings

    Appropriate amount of cabbage, appropriate amount of mushrooms, 150g of pork for dumpling wrappers, depending on how much shrimp skin powder you want. A little amount of cabbage and mushroom dumplings. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients: cabbage, mushrooms,

  • Glutinous Rice Sausage Shaomai

    Glutinous Rice Sausage Shaomai

    200g glutinous rice, half a sausage, half a mushroom, 3 carrots, half a dumpling wrapper, 500g salt, light soy sauce, chicken essence, cooking oil, appropriate amount of glutinous rice, sausage and shaomai. Step 1: Prepare all the ingredients. The glutino

  • Steamed dumplings with lotus root, celery and fresh meat

    Steamed dumplings with lotus root, celery and fresh meat

    250g pork belly, half a lotus root, celery dumpling skin, cooking wine, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, 1 spoon salt, 2 spoons dark soy sauce, 1 spoon thirteen spices, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp cooked oil, lotus root, celery and fresh meat steamed dumplin

  • Banana Flying Pancake Roll

    Banana Flying Pancake Roll

    1. Prepare the ingredients first 2. Beat the eggs evenly
