dried red peppers recipes

  • Vinegar potato shreds

    Vinegar potato shreds

    2 potatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 5 dried red peppers, 2 green onions, vegetable oil, appropriate amount of mature vinegar, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of chicken essence, little or no vinegar. How t

  • Red lamb stew

    Red lamb stew

    500g mutton carrots 2 green onions ginger garlic some Sichuan peppercorns aniseed bay leaves some dried red peppers 3 beers 1 bottle of dark soy sauce soy sauce white sugar some red stewed mutton Recipe Step 1 Wash all ingredients Wash the mutton carrots

  • Spicy Chicken

    Spicy Chicken

    4 large chicken legs, 4 green onions, half a peanut, about 150 grams of dried red pepper, about 30 Sichuan peppercorns, a handful of light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of rock sugar, 3 tablespoons of minced ginger and garlic, an appropriate amount of cooking

  • Fried peas in three colors

    Fried peas in three colors

    1. Prepare all materials. 2. Be sure to buy fresh pea with skin. Although it is troublesome to peel, it is relatively tender and tastes

  • Cold pepper and potato shreds

    Cold pepper and potato shreds

    1. Peel the potatoes, remove the stems of the peppers, and wash the chives. 2. Cut the potatoes into shreds.
