Cantonese sausage recipes

  • Mixed vegetables

    Mixed vegetables

    Two Cantonese-style sausages, four or five green onions, four or five spiced dried beans, one onion, one sesame oil, two tablespoons of black pepper, two twists of rose sea salt, two twists of apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon of very fresh soy sauce, o

  • Cantonese sausage

    Cantonese sausage

    150g of Cantonese sausage, rice for two, assorted vegetables, random old brine, appropriate amount of Cantonese sausage. Step 1: Prepare the materials. Wash the rice and soak it for at least half an hour. Cantonese-style Dongguan intestines are soaked in

  • Claypot Rice with Taro and Sausage

    Claypot Rice with Taro and Sausage

    2 Cantonese-style sausages, 1.5 cups of rice, appropriate amount of shiitake mushrooms, 150 grams of taro and sausage claypot rice. Step 1: Soak the shiitake mushrooms in advance, peel the taro and cut into small pieces. Rinse the sausage and cut into sli

  • Cantonese Cured Meat Claypot Rice

    Cantonese Cured Meat Claypot Rice

    Two pieces of Cantonese-style sausage, 1 piece of Cantonese-style bacon, 1 piece of salted egg yolk, Phoenix cup (optional), 1 piece of ginger, 1 piece of cooking oil, appropriate amount of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of Shanghai gr

  • Home-cooked Cantonese-style cured meat claypot rice

    Home-cooked Cantonese-style cured meat claypot rice

    2 pieces of Cantonese-style sausage, appropriate amount of rice (for one person), 4 pieces of Shanghai green sauce ❤️ Very fresh soy sauce, 2 spoons of steamed fish soy sauce, 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of sesame oil, 5 drops of warm water, 2-3 spoons of h
