black olives recipes

  • Spanish Olive Tomato Beef Ball Soup

    Spanish Olive Tomato Beef Ball Soup

    Baby cabbage, 1 tomato, 3 pee beef balls, 500g garlic sprouts, 2 garlic cloves, 1 ginger, 1 green olive, 9 black olives, 9 boiling water, appropriate amount of salt, 1 spoon of white pepper, 1 spoon of chicken essence, 1 spoon of Spanish olives, tomato an

  • avocado salad

    avocado salad

    Half an avocado, two slices of lettuce, two cherry tomatoes, three onions, half a cucumber, half a yellow pepper, 1/4 black olives, three almonds, a handful of chia seeds, a handful of prunes, an appropriate amount of avocado salad, Step 1: Gather ingredi

  • Bacon and Ham Pizza

    Bacon and Ham Pizza

    300g high-gluten flour 300g egg 1 butter 50g salt 3g pure milk 180g yeast powder 3g ham sausage 1/2 strip bacon 2 strips mozzarella cheese 1 pack of black olives appropriate amount of tomato sauce appropriate amount of bacon ham pizza recipe step 1 prepar

  • Rosemary Black Olive Pizza

    Rosemary Black Olive Pizza

    120g high-gluten flour 30g low-gluten flour 30g milk 100g yeast 2g salt 1g sugar 5g olive oil 8g onion 10g Taiwanese sausage 2 sticks rosemary a little tomato paste 2 tablespoons mozzarella cheese 30g black olives 6 How to make a rosemary black olive pizz

  • Mini Beef Pizza

    Mini Beef Pizza

    Dough ingredients: 130 grams of high-gluten flour, 2 grams of swallow high-resistant yeast powder, 40 grams of egg liquid, 20 grams of caramel syrup (can be replaced by 10 grams of fine sugar), 15 grams of salt, 1 gram of butter, 10 grams—————————— ———Ing

  • Sun Egg Crab Fillet Pizza

    Sun Egg Crab Fillet Pizza

    Sundial omega-3 fresh egg 1 sausage slice 30g green and red pepper rings 15g corn kernels 20g black olives 10g mozzarella cheese 40g crab sticks 50g pizza sauce 15g burrito 1 sun-kissed egg How to make crab stick pizza Step 1 Prepare ingredients Step 2 Br

  • Steamed bun pizza

    Steamed bun pizza

    Serves 2 White steamed buns 2 eggs 4 large shrimps 6 ham sausages 2 corn kernels Appropriate amount of small tomatoes 5 black olives 4 mozzarella Appropriate amount of cooking wine 1/2 spoon steamed bun pizza recipe Step 1 Beat the eggs. Step 2: Break the
