Local chicken recipes

  • Cantonese Chicken Hot Pot

    Cantonese Chicken Hot Pot

    1200g native chicken, 500g carrots, 2 corns, 2 seafood mushrooms, 100g mushrooms, 100g baby cabbage, 250g lettuce, 250g wolfberry, 25g salt, 3g soy sauce, 20ML cooking wine, 20ML ginger powder, 5g pepper, 2g Cantonese chicken How to make hot pot steps 1.

  • Braised chicken with fresh bamboo shoots, ham and ham

    Braised chicken with fresh bamboo shoots, ham and ham

    Half a native chicken, ginger slices, strawberries, anise, peppercorns, cooking wine, salt, and fresh bamboo shoots. Ham slices, green onions, fresh bamboo shoots, and ham stewed chicken. Steps 1: Wash and cut the chicken into pieces. Boil in cold water,

  • Taro roasted chicken

    Taro roasted chicken

    Half a native chicken, 500g of taro, 1 green pepper, an appropriate amount of salt, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of cooking wine, 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce, an appropriate amount of onion, garlic, and ginger, 3 slices of cinnamon le

  • Fresh abalone and local chicken soup

    Fresh abalone and local chicken soup

    Half a native chicken, fresh abalone, 4 slices of ginger, five slices of green onion, a small section of wolfberry, a dozen shiitake mushrooms, two fresh abalone, native chicken soup. Step 1 Ingredients required: half a native chicken (my chicken is relat

  • 【Tujishan Mushroom Soup】Mountain delicacies and wild game, replenishing qi and deficiency, and getti

    【Tujishan Mushroom Soup】Mountain delicacies and wild game, replenishing qi and deficiency, and getti

    1. Cut the native chicken into pieces, wash and blanch them in water. 2. Set aside in a large bowl.
