Qianzhang recipes

  • Chilled Thousand Sheets of Shredded Silk

    Chilled Thousand Sheets of Shredded Silk

    1,000 and 2 pieces of coriander, 3 to 5 stalks of garlic, 3 cloves of sesame oil (sesame oil), 2 tablespoons of sugar, 5 grams of light soy sauce, 3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, 3 tablespoons of carrot, half a root of black fungus, 15-20 pods of cooki

  • Dry shredded chicken soup

    Dry shredded chicken soup

    Qianzhang 1 piece of fresh chicken soup 500g black fungus 4 small green vegetables 4 ham 50g dried shrimps 2 small onions 1 piece of chicken essence half a spoonful of salt 1g chicken soup cooked into dried shreds Steps 1 Qianzhang Change the knife to shr

  • Cold Alfalfa

    Cold Alfalfa

    150g of alfalfa vegetables, 100g of salt, appropriate amount of white sugar, appropriate amount of olive oil, appropriate amount of linseed oil, appropriate amount of white pepper, appropriate amount of cold alfalfa. Step 1: Wash the alfalfa vegetables, b

  • Thousand vegetable rolls

    Thousand vegetable rolls

    Qianzhang One piece of carrot, half cucumber, half oyster sauce, two spoons of chili powder, a little pepper, a little olive oil, a spoonful of soy sauce, a spoonful of bamboo skewers, three white sesame seeds, a few Qianzhang vegetable rolls. Steps for m

  • Stir-fried green peppers

    Stir-fried green peppers

    1. Wash and cut the ingredients. 2. Blanch Qianzhang in water for one minute to remove the beany smell and take it out.
