Sushi vinegar recipes

  • Secret breakfast sushi

    Secret breakfast sushi

    Sushi rice (rice and glutinous rice 2:1), appropriate amount of sushi vinegar, appropriate amount of eggs, two cucumbers, one carrot, one Korean fish intestine, one meat floss, appropriate amount of salted duck egg yolk, two secret breakfast sushi recipes

  • eel sushi

    eel sushi

    1 portion of eel flakes, 1 portion of sushi vinegar, 100g of sushi rice, 1 cup and a half nori, 1 package of eel sushi. Step 1: Prepare the materials. Step 2: Clean the sushi rice, put it in the pot and press the cook button to cook. Step 3: Cut the nori

  • Delicious sushi

    Delicious sushi

    1. Pour sushi vinegar into the freshly cooked hot rice and stir evenly. 2. Spread the seaweed slices on the rolling curtain, put the hot rice on the seaweed, and put the cucumber, ham, lettuce, and sweet radish on the rice. , then just squeeze a little sa

  • Signature sushi

    Signature sushi

    1. Prepare the required materials. 2. Warm the rice, add a small amount of salt and sushi vinegar, mix well, and spread it on the sushi

  • Egg-flavored crispy rice balls

    Egg-flavored crispy rice balls

    1. Cook the white rice 2. Mix the Japanese egg crispy rice into the rice

  • Basic sushi

    Basic sushi

    1. What is used to make this sushi: sushi mat, special sushi roasted seaweed, sushi knife, sushi vinegar, salad dressing, eggs, cucumber, radish, ham sausage, pork floss, wasabi, etc.
