Sydney pear recipes

  • Rice cooker pear soup

    Rice cooker pear soup

    1 Sydney pear, about 230 grams, half of fresh white fungus, about 150 grams, wolfberry, 5 grams of yellow rock sugar, 20 grams of water, 1000 grams of plums, 3 rice cooker, small hanging pear soup. Step 1: Wash the pears with salt and peel them a little l

  • Sydney kumquat and red date soup

    Sydney kumquat and red date soup

    2 Sydney kumquats, 7 gray dates, 10 rock sugar, 30g water, 1200g wolfberry, 8g Sydney pear, kumquat and red date soup. Step 11. Prepare the ingredients. I just put whatever I have at home, kumquats, Sydney pears, Gray dates are the main ingredient. The gr

  • A good remedy for coughing in autumn~~Snow pear ointment

    A good remedy for coughing in autumn~~Snow pear ointment

    5 big Sydney pears, 2 mangosteens, 5 jujubes, 5 yellow rock sugar, 1 lump of Fritillaria, 5 grams of old ginger, 1 piece of autumn cough recipe~~ How to make Sydney ointment, step 1, prepare 5 Sydney pears, about 5 pounds, step 2, wash with salt water Aft

  • Stewed Sydney Pear with Rock Sugar

    Stewed Sydney Pear with Rock Sugar

    1 Sydney pear, yellow rock sugar, appropriate amount of wolfberry, a little water, appropriate amount of rock sugar, how to stew Sydney pear. Step 1: Peel and rinse the Sydney pear.
    Soak in light salt water for a while to prevent discoloration. Step 2: Cu

  • Autumn Wubai Soup

    Autumn Wubai Soup

    1 snow pear, 10 grams of white fungus, 30 grams of water chestnuts, 30 grams of lotus seeds, 20 grams of red dates, 15 grams of water, 600 grams of rock sugar, 10 grams of autumn Wubai soup recipe, step 1, a collection of ingredients. Step 2: Peel and cut

  • Sydney hawthorn glutinous rice porridge

    Sydney hawthorn glutinous rice porridge

    1. Pour water into a pot and add peeled and cored pear pieces 2. Wash the glutinous rice and set aside
