Kale recipes

  • Jungle Potato Original Salad

    Jungle Potato Original Salad

    10 slices of kale, 1 corn kernel, 50 grams of salt, 5 grams of black pepper, appropriate amount of cherry tomatoes, 10 salad dressings, appropriate amount of potatoes, 100 grams of jungle potatoes. Original salad recipe. Step 1 Live with heart and take ev

  • Boiled kale

    Boiled kale

    2 stalks of kale, 1 pot of boiling water, salt, 1 tsp of olive oil, a dozen drops of sauce: 1 tbsp of white sugar, 1 tbsp of hot water, 1 tbsp of light soy sauce, 1.5 tbsp of sesame oil, 1 tsp of chili pepper, 2 stalks of boiled kale. Step 1 of boiling ka

  • mackerel salad

    mackerel salad

    2 slices of Norwegian mackerel, 1 piece of kale, 1 raisin, a few raisins, sesame salad dressing, 2 tablespoons of ginger and scallion dressing, half a bowl of mackerel salad. Step 1 is a simple, nutritious and delicious salad that only requires simple sea

  • Norwegian Mackerel Energy Bowl

    Norwegian Mackerel Energy Bowl

    Norwegian mackerel, 2 pieces of kale, 1 handful of small pumpkin, half a mushroom, 5 cherry tomatoes, 5 quinoa rice, 1 bowl of Norwegian mackerel energy bowl. Step 1: Dry the thawed Norwegian mackerel with paper towels and cut with a knife. Step 2: Spread

  • Kale fungus

    Kale fungus

    1. Wash kale and cut into small sections. 2. Soak the fungus. The following will introduce how to soak fungus quickly and well.

  • Special dry noodles

    Special dry noodles

    1. Cut the kale into shreds, add cold water to the pot and boil the kale for 2 minutes, then remove and set aside; 2. Cut the green pepper into shreds, add cold water to the pot and blanch for 1.5 minutes, remove and set aside;
