lilies recipes

  • Tremella, red dates and lotus seed soup

    Tremella, red dates and lotus seed soup

    30 grams of red beans, 10 grams of lilies, 10 grams of lotus seeds, 10 grams of white fungus, 1 pitted red date, 8 yellow rock sugar, appropriate amount of water, 1100 grams of white fungus, red dates and lotus seeds soup. Step 1: Prepare the required ing

  • Winter nourishing chicken soup

    Winter nourishing chicken soup

    Half an old hen, wolfberry, 10 grams of red dates, 10 fan bones, 1 piece of ginger, a piece of dried turmeric, 5 pieces of red beans, 10 grams of barley kernels, 10 grams of gorgon seeds, 10 grams of Sichuan clams, 10 grams of lilies, 10 grams of peanuts,

  • Roasted Pear with Rock Sugar

    Roasted Pear with Rock Sugar

    1 pear, appropriate amount of rock sugar, 1 red date, appropriate amount of rock sugar. How to prepare roasted pears: 1. Prepare all the ingredients. Step 2: Wash the pears, cut them into pieces, and use an iron spoon to make a hole in the middle. Preheat

  • Assorted vegetables

    Assorted vegetables

    1 organic cabbage, appropriate amount of fungus, appropriate amount of organic onion, appropriate amount of tofu skin, appropriate amount of tomatoes, 2 hydroponic lettuce, appropriate amount of lilies, appropriate amount of organic purple cabbage, 150g o

  • Pork lung and fig soup

    Pork lung and fig soup

    6 pieces of figs, 20g of pork, pig lung, throat, one southern apricot, a little northern apricot, a little lily, a little pig lung. How to make fig soup: Step 1: Wash the pig's throat, blanch the pig's throat with boiling water, rub the pig's lungs wit

  • Laba porridge

    Laba porridge

    Red dates look at your mood, lilies look at your mood, Gorgon seeds look at your mood, lotus seeds look at your mood, red beans look at your mood, peanuts look at your mood, barley, a small amount of sago, brown rice, sticky rice, Laba porridge. Step 1: S

  • Winter health and anti-haze formula soy milk

    Winter health and anti-haze formula soy milk

    15g of red beans, peanuts, 12g of red rice, 10g of red dates, 10 mung beans, 6g of lilies, 9g of winter health-preserving anti-haze formula soy milk. Step 1: Wash the red beans, mung beans and lilies and soak them for 8-10 hours. In winter, you can soak t

  • pumpkin paste

    pumpkin paste

    15g lotus seeds, 10g barley, 15g pumpkin, 60g gordon seeds, 15 pcs pumpkin paste. Step 1. Ingredients: 15g lotus seeds, 10g lily, 15 gorgon seeds, 15g barley, 60g pumpkin. Step 2: Let’s compare the breakfast we eat to make it full. It works better, so you
