green garlic recipes

  • Spicy chicken gizzards favorite

    Spicy chicken gizzards favorite

    10 chicken gizzards (sliced) 15ml cooking wine, shredded green onion, ginger, garlic, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, 10ml dark soy sauce, a little Sichuan spicy sauce, 1 spoon of chili pepper, 3 green garlic, 2 spicy chicken gizzards. My favorite

  • crayfish


    1000g crayfish, a piece of turmeric, a piece of garlic, a head of chopped chili pepper, 2 tablespoons of spicy sauce, 3 tablespoons of dark beer, a can of salt, an appropriate amount of sugar, an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, an appropriate amoun

  • Stir-fried bacon with king oyster mushrooms

    Stir-fried bacon with king oyster mushrooms

    1. Prepare king oyster mushrooms, green garlic, onions, ginger and garlic. 2. Prepare bacon and green peppers.

  • Four Treasures of Homemade Cumin

    Four Treasures of Homemade Cumin

    1. First we prepare all the ingredients! 2. Wash the bean skins, fold them up and cut them into small pieces as shown in the picture. Se

  • Garlic Spicy Shrimp

    Garlic Spicy Shrimp

    1. Wash and prepare the ingredients. Cut off the tentacles and the hard shell part of the head of the shrimp. The shrimp I chose is a 3cm larger grass shrimp, so it needs to be processed, otherwise it will prick the mouth. 2. Crush the garlic and chop it
