bonito flakes recipes

  • fried egg

    fried egg

    1 egg, 1 bacon, 1 strip of pescat, a little seaweed powder, a little bonito flakes, a little mayonnaise, a little pork chop sauce, a little fried egg. Step 1. Ingredients preparation. Step 2. Add a little pescat to the eggs to make them fresh. If not, you

  • Summer Fusion Dinner

    Summer Fusion Dinner

    Summer assorted fruits and vegetables yogurt: 1/3 carrot 1/3 cucumber 1/3 Fengshui pear 1/3 old yogurt 200ml multi-grain 3 spoons Sea Breeze Okonomiyaki: 70g low-gluten flour 70g water 70g egg 1 salt 2g cabbage 100g vegetable oil appropriate amount of squ

  • Norwegian mackerel tofu cake

    Norwegian mackerel tofu cake

    1 slice of Norwegian mackerel, 100 grams of kapok tofu, 1 potato starch, 15 grams of salad oil, a little sweet and spicy sauce, a little bonito flakes, a little Norwegian mackerel tofu cake. Step 1: Chop the shallots, and microwave the kapok tofu at 600w

  • Pan-fried tofu imitation octopus balls

    Pan-fried tofu imitation octopus balls

    300g of northern tofu, 1g of salt, 1g of tomato sauce, as needed, yellow mustard sauce, as needed, salad dressing, as needed, 3 tablespoons of chives, 1 stick of bonito flakes, 1 handful of chopped seaweed. How to make fried tofu to imitate octopus balls.

  • Canadian Arctic Shrimp Meatballs

    Canadian Arctic Shrimp Meatballs

    Canadian Arctic shrimp 12 eggs 2 flour 100g water 250ml cooking oil 100ml salad dressing 10g teriyaki sauce 10g chopped seaweed 5g bonito flakes 5g Canadian Arctic shrimp pellets Step 1 Canadian Arctic shrimp comes from the distant Atlantic and Arctic oce

  • Octopus balls

    Octopus balls

    Takoyaki Ingredients Octopus Appropriate amount Takoyaki powder 250g purified water 400g cabbage Appropriate amount egg 1 bonito flower Appropriate amount of salad dressing Appropriate amount of shredded seaweed Appropriate amount of octopus balls Recipe

  • Japanese Salmon Salad

    Japanese Salmon Salad

    1. Make seasoned vinegar two days in advance: Peel some fresh oranges and put them in a stone ladle. 2. Grind.
