spicy cabbage recipes

  • Tomato cheese covered army hot pot

    Tomato cheese covered army hot pot

    Anjia Italian Tomato Cheese Slice 1 slice of ramen 1 pack of ham 2 luncheon meats 1 box of tofu, half a piece of onion, half a bean sprout 1 handful of spicy cabbage, 1 meatball, appropriate amount of mozzarella cheese, 20 grams of light soy sauce, 2 tabl

  • Stone pot paella

    Stone pot paella

    Rice 1 bowl 30g spicy cabbage 30g pear juice 20g Korean hot sauce 30g lettuce 50g green pepper 20g soybean sprouts 30g caviar 20g shrimp 5 eels 50g sesame oil appropriate amount of stone pot paella Step 1 Wash the carrots, cut into thin strips and blanch

  • Korean Pork Belly Spicy Cabbage and Tofu Soup

    Korean Pork Belly Spicy Cabbage and Tofu Soup

    Pork belly, one spicy cabbage, 200g, one green pepper, one onion, one tofu, one box of garlic, 3 cloves of beef powder, one spoonful of Korean hot sauce, one spoonful of water, a large bowl of Korean pork belly, spicy cabbage and tofu soup. Step 1: Slice

  • Spicy Cabbage and Cheese Rice

    Spicy Cabbage and Cheese Rice

    Rice 1 bowl of spicy cabbage Appropriate amount of green onion 1 small piece of oil Appropriate amount of white sugar 2 tablespoons of soy sauce 2 tablespoons of cheese A little more spicy cabbage and cheese rice Step 1 Prepare the ingredients. The ingred

  • Korean BBQ

    Korean BBQ

    500g pork belly sausages, 15 corn sausages, 3 ham sausages, 4 egg sausages, 1 sausage enema, 1 chicken skewers, 1 box of Korean hot sauce, 2 tablespoons of Korean dipping powder, 8 chicken wings, 500g pork belly, lettuce, garlic cloves, 3 millet cloves 2

  • cold noodle

    cold noodle

    A bag of instant cold noodles, a bag of white sesame seeds, half a spoon of chili noodles, half a spoon of Xihong City, half a cucumber, half an egg, one braised beef, four slices of spicy cabbage, an appropriate amount of sugar, a spoon of ice mineral wa

  • Instant Noodle Hot Pot

    Instant Noodle Hot Pot

    Tomato, one garlic clove, three or four bean sprouts, 100g chrysanthemum, 100g instant noodles, one rice cake, four or five slices of crispy sausage, 50g cheese slice, one piece of enoki mushroom, 30g Korean chili sauce, 20g spicy cabbage, 30g water, appr

  • Korean Hot Sauce Hot Pot

    Korean Hot Sauce Hot Pot

    Appropriate amount of quail eggs, appropriate amount of enoki mushrooms, appropriate amount of spicy cabbage, appropriate amount of sausage, 4 pieces of baby cabbage, appropriate amount of salt, a little hot sauce, 1 spoon of ginger slices, 3 slices of Ko

  • Spicy Cabbage and Tofu Soup

    Spicy Cabbage and Tofu Soup

    1. Prepare the required materials 2. Cut the tofu into small pieces and set aside

  • Homemade army pot

    Homemade army pot

    1. Prepare ingredients, shrimp, mushrooms, and dried tofu. Instant noodles, spicy cabbage, fish balls, Korean spicy sauce, onions, scallions, square ham. Rice cakes, cheese. Rich soup treasure.
