bananas recipes

  • Spanish black olive fruit salad

    Spanish black olive fruit salad

    Spanish pickled black olives 50g apples 80g pear pears 80g cherry tomatoes 80g banana 1 Spanish black olive fruit salad recipe Step 1 Wash the apples and pears, blanch them in boiling water and cut them into small pieces. Step 2: Cut small tomatoes and ba

  • Low-Calorie Banana Cornmeal Cake

    Low-Calorie Banana Cornmeal Cake

    Cornmeal 150g eggs 2 bananas 2 sticks baking powder 3g milk 40ml raisins Appropriate amount of low-calorie banana cornmeal cake Recipe Step 1 Prepare the ingredients, peel the bananas and put them in a bowl Step 2 Crush into puree Step 3 Add cornmeal and

  • low calorie breakfast

    low calorie breakfast

    1 chicken leg, 2 avocados, 2 corn kernels, 50 grams of lettuce, 2 slices of crab sticks, 2 eggs, 3 whole wheat pancakes, 1 banana, 1 toast roll, 2 slices Low-calorie breakfast recipe Step 1: Cut the chicken legs into small pieces and pour in cooking wine

  • Cheese Fruit Salad

    Cheese Fruit Salad

    Bagifole cheese slices, 1 bag of sugar orange, 1 strawberry, 1 banana, 1 avocado, 1 red pitaya, 1 kiwi, 1 yogurt, 1 small bucket of toothpicks. How to make cheese and fruit salad. Step 1: Peel and cut all fruits into pieces. Step 2 Use toothpicks to pierc

  • fruit soup

    fruit soup

    Appropriate amount of water, small balls, appropriate amount of fermented rice, appropriate amount of eggs, one apple, one banana, one pumpkin puree, appropriate amount of fruit soup. Step 1: Peel the pumpkin and cut into small pieces. Step 2: Add appropr

  • Light meals

    Light meals

    10 slices of lettuce, 2 boiled eggs, 20 grams of cashews, 20 grams of strawberries, a few millennium cherry tomatoes, a few bananas, 1 broccoli, a few Kewpie mayonnaise, an appropriate amount for a light meal. Step 1: Soak the lettuce for a while, wash an

  • Golden Anchovy Shrimp

    Golden Anchovy Shrimp

    An appropriate amount of prawns, an appropriate amount of potatoes, a banana, 2 salad dressings, an appropriate amount of eggs, 1 golden anchovy shrimp. Step 1: An appropriate amount of potatoes, peel off the skin and trim the potatoes into four squares (

  • Yogurt tart

    Yogurt tart

    7 egg tarts, appropriate amount of yogurt, 20 freeze-dried strawberries, 2 cherries, 2 cherries, 2 bananas, 5 grams of oatmeal, 5 grams of yogurt. How to make egg tarts. Step 1: Prepare 7 egg tart shells. Step 2: Place in the oven and bake at 180 degrees

  • Banana Flying Pancake Roll

    Banana Flying Pancake Roll

    1. Prepare the ingredients first 2. Beat the eggs evenly

  • Oatmeal Nut Energy Bar

    Oatmeal Nut Energy Bar

    1. Prepare ingredients. Oats are instant oatmeal. 2. Peel and slice the banana, put it in a container and use a rolling pin to pour it i
