snow pear recipes

  • Snow pear, white fungus and red fruit soup

    Snow pear, white fungus and red fruit soup

    1 white fungus pure water 1300ML snow pear 1 hawthorn handful yellow rock sugar appropriate amount of snow pear white fungus red fruit soup Recipe: 1. Soak white fungus in water. Remove the yellowed part and tear the rest into small pieces. Step 2 Prepare

  • Tremella and snow pear yam soup

    Tremella and snow pear yam soup

    50 grams of yam (peeled), half a snow fungus, half a pear, 6 lotus roots (peeled), appropriate amount of rock sugar, 1200 grams of pure water, 1,200 grams of white fungus, snow pear and yam soup. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients. Step 2: Peel and cut all t

  • tea


    1 piece of tangerine peel, 1 piece of white fungus, 1 snow pear, 1 lotus seed, 8 lilies, 10 pieces of red dates, 3 red dates. Step 11️⃣Tangerine peel and autumn pear drink.
    Tangerine peel, white fungus, snow pear, lotus seeds, lily, red dates
    ♨️Method: So

  • apple water

    apple water

    6 kumquats, 1 snow pear, 1 red date, appropriate amount of yellow rock sugar, appropriate amount of water, a large amount of wolfberry, appropriate amount of apple water. Step 1: Rinse the fruits, apples and pears with water, peel them and set aside. Rins

  • Water chestnut, snow pear and white fungus soup

    Water chestnut, snow pear and white fungus soup

    Water chestnuts, six snow pears, one white fungus, one red date, an appropriate amount of wolfberry, an appropriate amount of rock sugar, 30 grams of water chestnuts, snow pear, and white fungus soup. Step 1: Remove the stems of the white fungus, wash it,

  • Winter Melon, Pear and Coconut Sugar Cup

    Winter Melon, Pear and Coconut Sugar Cup

    200 grams of winter melon, appropriate amount of coconut sugar, 1 Sydney pear, a little cornstarch. How to make a cup of winter melon, snow pear, coconut sugar. Step 1: Peel, wash, slice and shred the winter melon. Step 2: Wash, peel and shred the winter

  • Sydney Tremella Lotus Seed Lily Tangerine Soup

    Sydney Tremella Lotus Seed Lily Tangerine Soup

    A small snow fungus, a snow pear, one tangerine, one or two rock sugar, an appropriate amount of water, 2000ml lotus seeds and lilies, a little wolfberry, a little snow pear, tremella, lotus seeds, lilies and tangerine soup. Step 1: Wash and peel. Step 2:

  • Tremella, Snow Pear and Red Fruit Soup

    Tremella, Snow Pear and Red Fruit Soup

    1. Soak white fungus in water. Soak and tear into small florets. 2. Wash and core the red fruits.
