lemon juice recipes

  • avocado


    1 avocado Low-gluten flour 40g starch 10g salt (batter) 1g salt (mixed to eat) 1g water 70ml white sesame seeds 15g lemon juice a little coconut oil appropriate amount of avocado Recipe: Peel the avocado, cut in half, remove the core, and cut into equal p

  • 10 inch chiffon cake

    10 inch chiffon cake

    180 grams of low-gluten flour, 8 eggs, 40 grams of milk in the egg yolk paste, 125 grams of corn germ oil, 120 grams of lemon juice, a little caster sugar, 120 grams of egg whites, 10-inch chiffon cake. Step 1: Mix the egg yolk paste first: 8 pieces Add 4

  • Crispy Honey Chicken Cake

    Crispy Honey Chicken Cake

    4 eggs low-gluten flour 120g caster sugar 50g corn oil 25g honey 15g lemon juice 5g black and white sesame seeds Appropriate amount of crispy honey chicken cake Recipe Step 1 Room temperature eggs ➕ Sugar and honey, beat together Step 2 Beat until as show

  • Golden pillow original cake

    Golden pillow original cake

    Egg paste part: corn oil 60g milk 70g low-gluten flour 100g baking powder 2g eggs with shell weight 394 6 egg whites part egg white 6 white sugar 70g cornstarch 10g lemon juice 2 drops of almond slices for decoration appropriate amount of golden pillow or

  • Strawberry matcha cream cake roll

    Strawberry matcha cream cake roll

    4 eggs, 40 grams of milk, 70 grams of corn oil, 45 grams of matcha powder, 7 grams of cake flour, 60 grams of strawberries, appropriate amount of sugar, 10 grams of lemon juice, a little whipping cream, 100 grams of strawberry matcha cream cake roll. Step

  • Red Velvet Tangerine Cake

    Red Velvet Tangerine Cake

    Low-gluten flour 65g red yeast rice powder 10g eggs 4g white sugar 45g corn oil 50g milk 50g tangerine juice 1 lemon a few drops of whipping cream 200g soft white sugar 20g red velvet tangerine cake recipe step 1 prepare materials, separate egg white and

  • small cake

    small cake

    4 eggs, 135 grams of low-gluten flour, 25 grams of honey, 25 grams of lemon juice, 1 gram of fine sugar, 100 grams of small cake. Steps 11. Break the whole eggs into a mixing bowl, add 100 grams of fine sugar, and heat over low heat. Step 22. Keep stirrin

  • Egg pancakes are more delicious than cakes.

    Egg pancakes are more delicious than cakes.

    2 eggs, 50ml of low-gluten flour, 40g of white sugar, 15g of lemon juice, a few drops of olive oil or butter, an appropriate amount of egg pancake, which is more delicious than cake. Step 1: Separate the egg yolk and egg white, add milk to the egg yolk, m

  • Golden Pillow Sponge Cake

    Golden Pillow Sponge Cake

    4 eggs, corn oil, 50 grams of milk, 70 grams of low-gluten flour, 90 grams of corn starch, 10 grams of milk powder, 15 grams of baking powder, 2 grams of white sugar, 60 grams of lemon juice, 4 grams of unsalted butter, appropriate amount of almond slices

  • :Chiffon cake embryo

    :Chiffon cake embryo

    3 to 4 eggs, a total of 175 grams of fine sugar, 32 grams of corn oil, 30 grams of milk, 40 grams of low-gluten flour, 60 grams of egg yolks, 13 grams of white sugar, 2 to 3 drops of lemon juice, 3 drops of lemon juice: How to make chiffon cake embryos, s

  • Worried about collapse when making chiffon cake

    Worried about collapse when making chiffon cake

    3 eggs, milk, 40g corn oil, 40g sugar, 30g low-gluten flour, 50g cornstarch, 10g lemon juice, a few drops of floss, an appropriate amount of ham, an appropriate amount of chopped green onion, an appropriate amount of salad dressing. How to make chiffon ca

  • Orange chiffon cake roll

    Orange chiffon cake roll

    1 orange, fine sugar (for cooking orange slices), 20g water, 130g low-gluten flour, 70g eggs, 4 fine sugar, 40g corn oil, 30g boiled orange slices, sugar water, 65g lemon juice, 3 drops of orange chiffon cake roll. Scrub the oranges with salt and then cut

  • mousse cake

    mousse cake

    Whipped cream 200ml red meat dragon fruit 1 yogurt 100g gelatine 4 slices pure milk 20ml powdered sugar 70g butter 80g Oreo 80g digestive biscuits 80g lemon juice 3 drops 6-inch mold 1 mousse cake Recipe Step 1 Prepare the materials Alternate Step 2: Melt

  • Honeycomb briquette cake

    Honeycomb briquette cake

    5 eggs, 90g of low-gluten flour, 90g of edible bamboo charcoal powder, 7g of pure milk, 55g of corn oil, 55g of fine sugar, 65g of lemon juice, 3 drops of honeycomb briquette cake. Step 1: Prepare two oil-free and water-free stainless steel basins, separa

  • Sea Salt Milk Soufflé

    Sea Salt Milk Soufflé

    65 grams of low-gluten flour, 90 grams of milk, 2 eggs, an appropriate amount of honey, 2 drops of lemon juice, 2 drops of white sugar, 20 grams of butter, an appropriate amount of sea salt, milk topping soufflé recipe, step 1, a group photo^_^, step 2, a
