rock sugar recipes

  • Tremella and snow pear soup

    Tremella and snow pear soup

    1 Sydney pear, 4 kumquats, 4 Tremella fungus, 5 grams rock sugar, 25 grams wolfberry, 5 grams Tremella fungus, Snow pear soup. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients. Step 2: Soak the Tremella fungus for half an hour in advance, clean and chop. Step 3: Clean the

  • yam soup

    yam soup

    Pigeon 165g yam 200g red dates 3 ginger 15g rock sugar 1 small piece of rice wine 30 ml salt appropriate amount of yam soup How to make yam soup Step 1 Put water and pigeon in the pot, pour a little rice wine and blanch the water Step 2 Wash the blanched

  • Daily bento

    Daily bento

    30g of rice, appropriate amount of white fungus, 5g of rock sugar, 5g of red dates for bento. Daily cooking steps: 1. Soak rice until soft in advance, otherwise it will be raw.
    Don’t have too much rice, about 30g is enough.
    Depends on the size of the stew

  • Tremella milk sweet soup

    Tremella milk sweet soup

    1 can of milk, 60 grams of rock sugar, 4 tremella fungus, milk sweet soup. Step 1: Soak the tremella in advance and cut into small pieces. Step 2: Put water and white fungus into the Timko smart food processor. Step 3: Put rock sugar in the Timco smart fo

  • Sweet and sour appetizing pineapple and red date porridge

    Sweet and sour appetizing pineapple and red date porridge

    Rice 3 tablespoons red dates 4 pineapples 200g wolfberry half tablespoon rock sugar 1 tablespoon drinking water 800 ml sweet and sour appetizing pineapple and red date porridge Recipe Step 1 Prepare the main ingredients Step 2 Soak the pineapple in salt w

  • Cranberry Tremella Porridge

    Cranberry Tremella Porridge

    150g of rice, 100g of white fungus, 30g of rock sugar, 50g of dried cranberries, 50g of cranberry and white fungus porridge. Step 1: Wash the rice and soak it in water for 2 hours. Step 2: Soak the white fungus. Step 3: Boil water in a pot, add rice and w

  • Scallop, Gorgon and Sea Cucumber Soup

    Scallop, Gorgon and Sea Cucumber Soup

    Appropriate amount of gorgon fruit, scallops, appropriate amount of cordyceps flowers, appropriate amount of fresh lilies, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of rock sugar, appropriate amount of scallops, scallops, scallops, and sea cucumber s

  • Qiuli lung moisturizing ointment

    Qiuli lung moisturizing ointment

    1,000 pears, 1 kofta fruit, 1 ginger, 10 grams of water, 500 grams of rock sugar, 100 grams of honey, 100 grams of Qiuli lung moisturizing ointment. Step 1: Prepare 1,000 grams of pears, about 4 in medium size. Step 2: Cut the pears in the middle, remove

  • Making rice dumplings

    Making rice dumplings

    2 pounds of glutinous rice, appropriate amount of peanuts, 10 jujubes, 10 raisins, appropriate amount of rock sugar, appropriate amount of rice dumplings. Steps 1: Fresh reed leaves, add water to a large pot to cover the leaves, turn on the heat, wait ten

  • Sweet Potato and Huaizao Syrup

    Sweet Potato and Huaizao Syrup

    3 sweet potatoes, 80 grams of yam and 6 red dates, 6 pieces of rock sugar, an appropriate amount of ginger, 2 slices of sweet potato and yam syrup. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients. Step 2: Peel and wash the sweet potatoes and yam, and cut into pieces for

  • Lazy Spicy Duck Neck

    Lazy Spicy Duck Neck

    10 duck necks Hot pot base Ingredients Appropriate amount of cooking oil Appropriate amount of green onion and ginger Appropriate amount of rock sugar 4 to 5 cooking wine 2 spoons of star anise 2 bay leaves 1 piece of Sichuan pepper Appropriate amount of

  • Lotus seeds and white fungus soup

    Lotus seeds and white fungus soup

    Fresh white fungus, half a fresh lotus seed, 110 grams of red dates, a few rock sugar, an appropriate amount of lotus seeds and white fungus soup. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients. Step 2: Cut off the root of the white fungus, wash it, and tear it into sma

  • Red dates and white fungus soup

    Red dates and white fungus soup

    1 white fungus, 5~8 red dates, 5~8 wolfberries, appropriate amount of rock sugar, appropriate amount of red dates and white fungus soup. Step 1: Prepare the materials and set aside. Step 2: Soak the white fungus in water in advance. Step 3: Clean the red

  • Everything is complete

    Everything is complete

    30 grams of barley kernels, red beans, 20 grams of rock sugar, 80 grams of mung beans, 10 grams of white eyebrow beans, 10 grams of peanuts, 10 grams of three-color multigrain rice, 40 grams of water, 4 bowls of Wanshi porridge. Step 1 step as shown in th

  • Chinese dessert ginger milk

    Chinese dessert ginger milk

    2 pieces of ginger, 2 bags of rock sugar, appropriate amount of rock sugar. How to make Chinese dessert ginger milk. Step 1: Peel the ginger. Step 2: Slice into slices and crush them with a food supplement machine. Step 3: Wrap the chopped ginger in gauze
