chopped green onion recipes

  • White radish and tofu soup

    White radish and tofu soup

    1 piece of white radish, 1 piece of tender tofu, an appropriate amount of salt, an appropriate amount of fresh pine, an appropriate amount of green onion, an appropriate amount of white radish and tofu soup. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients as shown in the

  • Cheese and seafood baked rice

    Cheese and seafood baked rice

    Rice for three persons 100g shrimps 100g corn kernels 100g green beans 100g pine nuts 20g green pepper 1 chopped green onion Appropriate amount of butter 10g + 30g cooking wine 1 tablespoon ginger powder 1/2 teaspoon salt appropriate amount of umami soy s

  • Egg noodles

    Egg noodles

    90 grams of noodles, 1 egg, salt, 3 grams of chopped green onion, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, 9 grams of lard, 6 grams of water, 1000 grams of egg noodles. Step 1: Prepare the ingredients, wash and mince the chives.
    Boil water in a pot, add a l

  • rice noodles

    rice noodles

    1 bag of vegetable oil, a little abalone chili sauce, 30g chopped green onion, a little shredded carrot, a little minced shiitake mushrooms, a little June fresh special soy sauce, 1 spoon of chopped seaweed, a little cooked white sesame, a little rice noo

  • Sea Crab Porridge

    Sea Crab Porridge

    1 swimming crab, half cup of glutinous rice, half cup of salt, appropriate amount of shredded ginger, sesame oil, chopped green onion, minced garlic, pepper, cooking wine, sea crab porridge. Step 1: Clean the cold fresh swimming crabs. Step 2 Chop the cra

  • Lean meat porridge

    Lean meat porridge

    Rice 1 measuring cup 60 grams of lean meat Appropriate amount of chopped green onion A little salt Water, make a reservation and cook the porridge an hour before getting up in the morning.

  • Radish tofu

    Radish tofu

    One green radish, one thick soybean flour, two handfuls of oil, one tablespoon of chopped green onion, five grams of salt, three grams of garlic chili sauce, a little radish and small tofu. Step 1: Wash the radish from the soil and grate it into shreds wi

  • Peanut Mung Bean Pig Knuckle Soup

    Peanut Mung Bean Pig Knuckle Soup

    Appropriate amount of pig's trotters, appropriate amount of mung beans, appropriate amount of peanuts, appropriate amount of red dates, appropriate amount of ginger slices, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of chicken essence, appropriate am

  • #四季宝蓝小干#juicy hot pot powder

    #四季宝蓝小干#juicy hot pot powder

    Hot pot wide noodles 150 grams SKIPPY Sijibao smooth peanut butter 2 spoons vinegar 2 spoons garlic chili sauce 2 spoons curry sauce 3 spoons lettuce appropriate amount chopped green onion #四世宝蓝小jar# Juicy hot pot powder recipe Step 1 Add SKIPPY Sijibao s

  • Today's dinner

    Today's dinner

    300 grams of all-purpose flour, 3 grams of yeast, 2 pieces of chicken breast, 230 grams of cold water, 4 tomatoes, 3 eggs, 1 salt, appropriate amount of chopped green onion, appropriate amount of minced ginger and garlic. How to make today’s dinner. Step

  • Fried buns

    Fried buns

    Flour (amount for one cake) 200g warm water (80℃) 172g homemade salt and pepper [salt, thirteen spices, chopped fennel] appropriate amount of cooking oil a little chopped green onion a little egg 1 oil bun recipe steps 1200g flour add a whole Egg. Step 2:

  • Sesame sauce wide noodles

    Sesame sauce wide noodles

    1 package of wide noodles, hot oil, 1 tablespoon sesame paste, 5-6 tablespoons light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1 tablespoon minced garlic, 2 tablespoons chopped green onion, 2 tablespoons pepper, 1 tablespoon chili powde

  • Braised bamboo shoots in oil

    Braised bamboo shoots in oil

    Two small bamboo shoots, dark soy sauce, 3 grams of light soy sauce, 3 grams of flaxseed oil, 10 ml of water, an appropriate amount of chopped green onion, a little oil, how to braise bamboo shoots. Step 1: Fresh small bamboo shoots. Step 2: Peel off the

  • Cantonese Steamed Pork Ribs

    Cantonese Steamed Pork Ribs

    500 grams of pork ribs, 15 grams of tempeh, optional soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, half a spoon of white sugar, 2 grams of pepper oil, half a spoon of corn starch, 2 spoons of vegetable oil, 25 grams of chopped green onion, appropriate amount of dar

  • Steamed Grouper

    Steamed Grouper

    1 grouper. Appropriate amount of soy sauce. Appropriate amount of oil. Appropriate amount of shredded ginger. Appropriate amount of chopped green onion. A pair of chopsticks. How to make steamed grouper. Step 1. Clean the fish and make a cut in the belly
